These little magnetic gizmos allow you to use other types of indicator with the Stow system. The adaptors screw onto most commercially available cords or chains and click perfectly into the Magnetic Hockey sticks.
What a neat, user-friendly idea this is. Instead of having to unscrew your bobbins at the end of your session, these magnetic gadgets allow you to simply pop the indicators off in an instant. Of course, they're made of stainless steel, so they'll last practically forever!
These are ultra-cult! For the understated look you can buy black chains for your Stows. As with the silver chains, there are two sizes available. The chain with the longer steel extension bar works with the Neville-type alarm and the chain with the shorter extension works with the Delkim-size alarms. We expect these to be hugely popular!
Who said that you had to restrict yourself to just one set of coloured heads?! You can in fact buy spare heads in all the different Stow colours. Before you simply clip one onto your line, take time to check out the smooth lines and perfect functionality of these super-indicators. Long-time Elstow user Damian Clarke has made the production of these heads an absolute labour of love and it shows! Truly things of beauty.
These are ready-to-go indicator systems that are available in all eight colours. You get a head with weight, magnetic hockey stick and TWO chains. The reason that the kits are supplied with two chains is so that you can use your indicators with any type of conventional bite alarm. The chains with short steel extensions are suitable for Delkim-sized alarms, whereas the chains with long extensions are for smaller, Neville-type alarms.
Designed to be used with Korda's new bobbin range as well as the stow-lite system. This Black Magnetic Hockey Stick allows you to simply pop the indicators off instead of unscrew your bobbins at the end of your session.
The Black & Whites have a mechanism that runs through the body of the bobbin, allowing you to adjust the grip-strength of the line clip with a simple twist, again allowing for unrivalled customisation of the hanger. The Black & Whites are a two-sided design, one a solid white or black plastic, and the other a clear plastic that houses the super-bright new Mini Isotopes.