A carefully selected mix of ingredients to give you a high leakage 'oily' mix that will leak off feeding triggers into the water column for prolonged periods.
Salmon micro feed contains high amounts of proteins and amino acids, couple this with a fast breakdown low oil pellet, this will keep the fish grubbing around for hours.
Containing pure Tuna meat along with enzyme treated tuna protein extracts make it a phenomenal fish attractant, incredibly thick and concentrated it will make its way to the bottom and continue to pump out attraction for prolonged periods.
Krill has been proven to be a devastating carp attractor, this liquid form will take it up another notch making it easy to impart krill into bag mixes, spod mixes, soaking boilies or groundbaits.
Liquid Sweetcorn is packed with blended sweetcorn giving at an incredibly rich, thick consistency perfect for a multitude of uses and a multitude of different species especially river species.