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Fjuka Squeez-Ready Taster Bundle

The prefect fishing Christmas present put together by legendary world champion Tommy Pickering, this kit contains his favourite Fjuka Squeeze ready baits, Method pellets Method mix and Ground baits including the Sweet dark and the ever popular Green.
Availability: In stock
Manufacturer: Fjuka

Not to forget a bottle of Sensate Original liquid accelerantis also included in the bundle.

'And all boxes include a free mystery David Preston prototype bait to test - not available anywhere else'.

What's in the box

• Squeez-ReadyTM Method Pellets 200g
• Squeez-ReadyTM Sweet Method Pellets 200g
• Squeez-ReadyTM Method Mix 200g
• Squeez-ReadyTM Sweet Groundbait 200g
• Squeez-ReadyTM Green Groundbait 200g
• Squeez-ReadyTM Original Groundbait 200g
• SensateTM Fish Accelerant Original
• Free David Preston Exclusive Protoype Bait

What Tommy say's about the bundle

"A big saving on the best-selling Squeez-ReadyTM range. Ready-prepped baits I developed with David Preston to make fishing quicker and more effective for all anglers. Original and a Sweet Method Pellets bind together beautifully for my Method feeders. My favourite Method Mix is a big fish mix for warmer weather or when fishing is good. Green has fast become my go-to groundbait, especially for F1s and bream. Sweet is dark for clear water or the colder months.
Original Groundbait is a natural light brown and does anything, especially float or pole for silvers. Plus SensateTM Fish Accelerant Original with billions of fish
stimulants to get quicker results!"