The Titanium Trotters are an ultra-buoyant river float with a translucent body and long titanium stem.
The Crystal Jigger floats have been developed specifically for catching Carp and F1's shallow on commercial fisheries.
The perfect pellet waggler, flies like an arrow, extremely buoyant and incredibly visual
Float Caps are used for attaching Stick Floats, Loafers, Avons and other top and bottom floats to the line.
Glow Tip Carp Inserts feature our transparent Crystal®-style construction with a 6.6mm diameter straight tube and a stepped 4mm insert in a light green tint to preserve the Glow Tip effect.
This float is equally at home on rivers and lakes making this float a true all rounder. Made from natural quill these peacock wagglers are available in a large range of sizes.
Drennan Wire Avons have a hard grade balsa tip built into a light grade balsa body.
Drennan Loafers are one of the most popular and versatile floats for running water.