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FOX Edges Essentials Mini Hook Ring Swivels


Designed to mount your bait onto allowing your hookbait full movement

FOX Dial Scales 60lb


Weighs in both kg and lbs

FOX Camolite Scales Pouch


Designed to fit large dial scales

FOX Wintersuit Camo/Khaki


Quality thermal insulation, keeping you warm in the coldest months

FOX Camolite Kit Bag


Ideal for holding spare clothing and other session necessities

FOX Camolite Storage Bag


Ideal for storing items such as stove, gas canisters and cookware

FOX R Series Large Chair Bag


Sized to fit R3 Chairs and Super Deluxe recliners and other large chairs

FOX Camolite Bivvy Mat's


Neoprene mat that can be used in your bivvy doorway

FOX Edges Spinner Rigs x3


The world’s favourite carp rig

FOX EOS Wide Gape Rigs x3


Simple and effective ready tied Rigs

FOX Edges Large Rig & Disc Box


The complete rig storage system

FOX Edges Large Rig Box


The ideal rig storage solution