Tailored to be super attractive to bream, light yellow in colour made with blended sweetcorn and maize.
The perfect mix for fishing the margins on commercial fisheries made with larger, heavier ingredients to fall quickly through the water and withstand the attention of silverfish.
Contains ground pellets, fishmeal's and dried earthworms, fantastic multi species groundbait in particular when targeting perch.
Incredibly potent meaty aroma full of pulling power.
Darkened version of the original, high quality pellet based the match method mix is easily packed around a feeder yet when immersed in water breaks down almost instantly.
High quality pellet based the match method mix is easily packed around a feeder yet when immersed in water breaks down almost instantly.
Containing crushed pellets and sweet enhancers this groundbait has been developed alongside Des Shipp to catch large bags of fish from commercial fisheries.
Made with milled and crushed expander pellets perfect for commercial fisheries that see lots of pellets.
Containing high levels of fishmeal and real dehydrated fish flakes.
Red and meaty, as the name suggests, great Carp groundbait and a Ssssshhhh great Barbel groundbait too.