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Guru Window Feeder Weights


These weights can be changed with the ones that come as standard on the feeders meaning you can customize the feeders to how you like them.

Guru Bait Up Window Feeder 40g/50g


Perfect for getting the swim active and bringing the fish in ready for when you get your rigs in place.

Guru Window Feeder


Another classic method given the guru label, the versatile window feeder available in extra small, small, medium or large sizes with a host of different weights as well there really is a feeder to suit all situations.

Guru Maggot Feeder


There are plenty of sizes to chose from in the range and we all know using a maggot feeder is an awesome way to catch fish.

Guru Extra Distance Hybrid Feeder


For those that like to feeder fish at range then these are the ones for you. Available in 4 sizes to suit every situation.

Guru Super Mini Hybrid Inline Feeder


The ever popular Hybrid inline feeders from Guru are now available in a mini 20g and 30g.

Guru Feeder Links


Available in Small, Medium or Large these make it extremely easy to change between feeders.

Guru Feeder Box Accessory Box


Available in either 4 compartment or 6 compartment these neat little boxes will help keep all your bits and bobs in one place.

Guru Feeder Box Rig Board


The perfect addition to the feeder box to keep your rigs stored and ready to go!

Guru Feeder Box Spool Insert


If you like to have hook lengths pre tied then look no further than the spool insert, this will allwo you to store EVA spools in your feeder box with ease.

Guru Feeder Box Divided Insert


Another excellent tidy addition to the feeder box range to help customize how you store your tackle.

Guru Feeder Box Shallow Insert


A neat and tidy addition to the Guru Feeder Box range that will help keep all your bits and bobs in order.