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Hook Baits

Micro Band'Um Wafter Fluoro


As different tactics adapt over time, so does our thinking in regards the best hookbaits in certain situations

Ringers Bandems


The ideal hookbait to snatch a quick bite

Sonubaits Pro Paste


Top level paste made for the serious paste angler

Fjuka FATBOYS 2 in 1 Pellets (10mm 195g)


The ultimate soft hookbait!!!

Fjuka ORIGINAL 2 in 1 Pellets (5mm 195g)


Super attractive hookable feed pellets ideal for using as both hookbaits and loosefeed

Dynamite Baits Frenzied Luncheon Meats


New for 2021 Dynamite Baits have released four exciting not just flavored meats but infused with other awesome fish catching baits, Sweetcorn, Robin Red, Halibut & Krill

Sonubaits Band'um Wafters 45g


The ultimate critically balanced, high vis, high attract hookbait made to be targeted by fish due to its colour and strong scent.

Sonubaits Pre Drilled Pellet O's 120g


Pre-drilled , high protein, high oil hard pellet with increased levels of digestible fishmeal and fish oil to make these the perfect hookbaits.

Copdock Mill Jelly Hookable Pellets


Soft, hookable pellets, packed with flavour and attractors, ideal for many types of fish.

Copdock Mill Mega Luncheon Meat


Small hookable meat pieces, ideal for all types of angling. Available in different flavours.

Copdock Mill Angling Prepared Tares


Perfectly prepared Tares, hookable to be fished over hemp, perfect for silver fish, especially Roach. Available in different flavours.