A super strong and super sharp hook that is capable of landing specimen fish from big hard fishing perch to big chub and specimen barbel.
A straight point which is razor sharp and a straight eye on the hook this is going to go straight in when taken by a fish and will prove hard for the fish to get away.
The specimen hooks from Korum have a super sharp straight point with an in turned eye meaning the hook point will always turn into the fishes lip.
A super sharp point and an aggressive slight out turn of the eye this hooks nature makes it very hard to deal with when those finicky fish take the bait.
A super aggressive hook with an out turn eye and and razor sharp beaked point, this would be suited to be used with small pop ups or balanced hookbaits.
The Penetrator hooks have been based of off the very popular wide gape style pattern. An interned eye and a beaked point means that once those fish take the bait there is no way they are getting rid of this hook whether you use barbed or barbless.