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Leads & Backleads

Korda - Square Pear Inline Leads


The compact shape plus the flat sides and smooth tapering make the square pear inline the most effective bolt lead available today. If you are fishing ultra hard waters or need to improve the efficiency of your bolt rig the square pear inline is the only lead to use.

Korda - Square Pear Swivel Leads


This lead will cast almost as far as a normal pear lead but will have better hooking potential so I recommend you use it everywhere you can. The only time to change is when it will not cast far enough, then it's time to change to a Skyliner for inlines or a Tournament or Swivel Distance for swivel type systems. To maximise distance use a swivel lead, as it will always cast further than an inline.

Korda - COG Lead Boom Kit


Korda COG (Centre Of Gravity) Kit Used in conjunction with the Korda COG Lead, this kit enables your hook link to plug into and leave the lead at the point where it offers the most resistance to a taking fish, therefore aiding hooking.

Korda - Flat Distance Swivel Cog Leads


COG stands for Centre Of Gravity; this revolutionary new lead system enhances the hooking potential of any rig as when a fish picks up the hookbait, it is INSTANTLY hitting the DIRECT force/weight of the lead. Due to how the weight of the lead is distributed throughout the rig, the COG lead system can achieve some incredible "hook-holds". Please note that for sale here is the Flat Distance Swivel Lead only and not the complete system.

Korda - Flat Pear COG Lead


There are two COG lead patterns currently available, the Flat Distance and Flat Pear. The Flat Pear is more conventional and its condensed shape makes for the best hooking potential it's unsurpassed for margin or boat work. The Flat Distance lead was designed by Danny Fairbrass for the COG system. It takes its shape from the popular Distance Casting lead, but has a slightly flattened profile, giving better hooking capabilities and ensuring that the COG system is properly presented.

Korda - Big Grippa Leads


You can basically utilise these leads anywhere that you need more grip, like rivers, on the sides of bars, marginal slopes or boating out at extreme range. We have recorded that you can get the same grip with a 1oz Grippa as you can with a 2oz Swivel Pear Lead.

Korda - Tournament Casting Swivel Leads


This lead was originally called the Distance Casting and was superseded several years ago when long-distance caster Alan Partridge convinced me his distance shape cast further, which it did. I actually outcast my own lead with his shape, this is the more Arseley Bomb shaped design we still sell today. So, the old 'Zipp' style lead fell out of our range for several years until I spent more and more time fishing with Frank Warwick.

Korda - Probe Marker Leads 3oz & 4oz


Uncoated as bare lead is far more effective at transmitting the contours of the lake bed than a standard lead. Identify weed, silt, clay, gravel; you name it you can fish on it, or avoid it! Pack of 2 leads 1 x 3oz and 1 x 4oz.

Korda - Pronged Marker Leads


These leads will remain uncoated as bare lead is far more effective at transmitting the contours of the lake bed more than a standard lead. Identify weed, silt, clay, gravel; you name it you can fish on it, or avoid it!

Korda Bait Up Method Feeder


The classic original Korda Method feeder has now been updated with some modern twists in the form of the Bait Up Feeder range. It retains many of the features that made the original so good, including the weighted fin that ensures that it always lands the right way up and the hookbait will always fall away from the feeder, increasing your chances of a quick bite.

Korda - Flat Pear Swivel Leads


Good on hard bottoms, the short condensed shape of this lead coupled with the two flat sides makes it the perfect lead for bolt rigs at short to medium range.

Korda - Pear Swivel Leads


The classic pear lead will cast a very very long way, almost as far as the Distance Casting and it is less affected by cross winds because the shape is very condensed. This means that the Pear lead is suited to most carp fishing situations when fishing anything up to the very limit of your casting ability. The dumpy shape can be used to your advantage in silt. Try using a very light pear lead say 1oz or 2oz and actually let the lead plug into the silt, this will dramatically increase the resistance to a carp moving away with the rig, so what feels like a light lead in your hand is transformed into a heavy lead in the fishing situation. Because the lead has a large rounded end it makes 'feeling' the lead hit the bottom easier than more slender or pointed shapes. If you are new to this technique this lead will make the job easier.