Apex is the ultimate braided main line designed specifically for carp fishing. Apex comes into its own on larger waters where you are boating baits out regularly.
Apex is the ultimate braided main line designed specifically for carp fishing. Apex comes into its own on larger waters where you are boating baits out regularly.
The biggest issue with many braided main lines is that they don’t sink very well, and although that property can be an advantage in some situations, there are plenty where it is not, and that is where SUB Braid really comes into its own.
The biggest issue with many braided main lines is that they don’t sink very well, and although that property can be an advantage in some situations, there are plenty where it is not, and that is where SUB Braid really comes into its own.
A super tough, high-visibility floating braid designed especially for spodding, Spombing or marker work. Featuring low diameter and zero stretch, Transmit Spod & Marker Braid has excellent casting qualities.
Tiger Link is a true 100% fluorocarbon Hook Link that is virtually invisible in water. It is a ‘multi-directional polymer’ providing exceptional abrasion resistance and knot strength. Tiger Link is UV resistant, making it hard wearing, long lasting and good value for money.
A super-strong, specialist material that is perfect for use as a boom material on hinges, Ronnies/Spinners and combi rigs, whether you use crimps or still prefer to use knots.