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Pop Ups & Hookbaits

Specialized Hookbaits / Fishon Scopex & Pineapple S2 Crushed Cork Hookbaits


Made with an old school blend of the finest Scopex and Pineapple flavours combined with the unstoppable S2 profile.

LiquiRigs Liqui-Paste 250g


Liqui-Paste – A revolutionary fishing attractant for unmatched effectiveness.

Nash Monster Shrimp Pop Ups 15mm 2024


Extra buoyant needle friendly pop ups with elevated levels of Crab, Lobster Oil and Nashbait’s Salted Shrimp Paste. Designed to keep Ronnie Rigs, Chods and Stiff Rigs presented effectively for 24-48 hours.

Nash Scopex Squid Pop Ups 2024


Extra buoyant needle friendly pop ups with elevated levels of Scopex No.1, Red Liver Oil, Sweetener and the exclusive Squid Extract. Designed to keep Ronnie Rigs, Chods and Stiff Rigs presented effectively for 24-48 hours.

Mainline Essential Cell Flouro Pop Ups 15mm


Super Buoyant Pop-Ups have been designed with increased levels of buoyancy, to hold pop-up rigs in the perfect position for long periods of time, to give the very best chance of a pick-up without any compromise to hookbait attraction! Making these hookbaits perfect for all pop-up presentations such as the Multi Rig or Spinner Rig, and especially heavier, more demanding rigs like the Chod Rig or Hinge Rig.

Mainline Essential Cell Flouro Wafters 15mm


Dedicated Fluoro Dumbell Wafters as their name suggests are super bright hookbaits that have been designed to create a ‘critically-balanced’ hookbait presentation by using the weight of the hook to counterbalance the slow sinking buoyancy of the hookbait.

Mainline Essential Cell Dumbell Wafters 12 x 15mm


Dedicated Fluoro Dumbell Wafters as their name suggests are super bright hookbaits that have been designed to create a ‘critically-balanced’ hookbait presentation by using the weight of the hook to counterbalance the slow sinking buoyancy of the hookbait.

Mainline Cell Super Buoyant Pop Ups 15mm


Super Buoyant Pop-Ups have been designed with increased levels of buoyancy, to hold pop-up rigs in the perfect position for long periods of time, to give the very best chance of a pick-up without any compromise to hookbait attraction! Making these hookbaits perfect for all pop-up presentations such as the Multi Rig or Spinner Rig, and especially heavier, more demanding rigs like the Chod Rig or Hinge Rig.

Mainline Cell Flouro Wafters 15mm


Dedicated Fluoro round wafters as their name suggests are super bright hookbaits that have been designed to create a ‘critically-balanced’ hookbait presentation by using the weight of the hook to counterbalance the slow sinking buoyancy of the hookbait.

Mainline Cell Flouro Dumbell Wafters 12mm x 15mm


Dedicated Fluoro Dumbell Wafters as their name suggests are super bright hookbaits that have been designed to create a ‘critically-balanced’ hookbait presentation by using the weight of the hook to counterbalance the slow sinking buoyancy of the hookbait.

Mainline Super Sweet Ziggers


Mainlines Supa Sweet Ziggers are perfectly shaped, ultra-buoyant hookbaits, which as theyre name suggests have been designed as the perfect Zig Rig hookbait.

Nash 2024 Citruz Pop Ups


Designed to keep Ronnie Rigs, Chods and Stiff Rigs presented effectively for 24-48 hours.