Produced using tough, wipe clean, waterproof material with a reinforced base.
Protective rod sleeve which can be used independently or with the Compac Divide Rod Holdalls
This unique system in three and five rod versions, is designed to fully protect both your rods and reels whilst fully made up. Accommodating big pit reels and 50mm butt rings.
Handy item for keeping your rods together
Featuring Solars fantastic 3+2 system which allows for three rods to be stored internally and two stored externally
Super-padded single-rod sleeve that will accomodate 50mm butt rings and big-pit reels
For those that like to keep things stripped back the new Korda Compac Elasticated Tip & Butt Protectors are perfect for that!!
Keep your beloved rods in tip top condition
Offering fantastic protection for both your rod and your reel
Designed to offer maximum protection while remaining compact enough to save valuable space
Ideal for use in conjunction with the thinking anglers base unit & bramble cover