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Trakker Sanctuary T1 Retention Sling XL


This quick-drain, full-mesh carp weigh sling is designed to provide a safe means of temporarily securing your catch, as well as providing an easy and accurate means of weighing, with its optimised shape supporting the fish throughout the process.

Ridgemonkey ProCare Retainer Slings


The ProCare Retainer Sling serves as both a weigh sling and a short-term retainer, allowing you to weigh your catch and keep it safe while you prepare your camera gear or let the fish recover before release.

ESP Quickdraw Retainer Sling


The ESP Quickdraw Retainer Sling provides minimal pack down bulk while offering safe short term retention for the largest of carp.

Korda Compac Weigh Sling


Designed to aid weighing carp accurately, the Korda Compac Weigh Sling is constructed from a lightweight, quick dry, fish friendly material.

Korda Compac Retainer Sling's


The Korda Compac Retainer Sling has been designed, developed, and stringently tested with some of Europe's largest carp.

Gardner Multi Species Weigh Sling


A great weigh sling for small species, including Carp, Chub, Barbel, Bream & Tench to name a few.

Prologic C-Series Retainer and Weigh Sling


Anything that reduces the amount of kit you take fishing can only be a good thing – and this new essential carp care product in our C-Series range does just that, by combining a floating retainer and a weigh sling into one.

JRC Cocoon 2G Retainer Sling


Classic designed weigh sling with foldable bars for easy storage and transportation.

FOX Carpmaster STR Weigh Slings


Short Term Retention weigh sling designed to safely retain your carp prior to weighing/photographs

Trakker Sanctuary T1 Retainer Sling


This quick-drain, full-mesh carp weigh sling is designed to provide a safe means of temporarily securing your catch

Thinking Anglers All In One Retainer


This slim-line, extremely lightweight, full mesh retainer can be used as a retaining and weigh sling, or quickly and easily converted into a sling/sack

Solar SP Weigh / Retainer Sling


Capable of housing even the largest of carp, our Retainer/Weigh Slings feature full-length floatation tubes with reflective strips.