This was noticed by Des Shipp when he kept getting knocks on the Method but they were not turning into proper bites. This is because the fish were knocking all the groundbait off the feeder without touching the hookbait so effectively leaving the hookbait with no feed around it which defeats the object of fishing a Method feeder. So we decided to make a groundbait which was stickier, harder, denser and easy to compact onto a Method feeder for venues where this occurs.
50:50 Method & Paste Natural has a very high protein content which comes from fishmeals and ground pellets, and it is this which helps it compact round a Method feeder, this means it will easily withstand the impact of casting, hitting the water and the drop through the water and any little knocks from fish trying to knock away the groundbait. It is also for this reason that it has gained a big following for Method feeder fishing in deep water both in the UK and Europe.
50:50 Method & Paste Natural is the colour of fish pellets, perfect for fisheries where lots of pellets are used.