FXT Safety Snap Swivels are ideal for quick changing wagglers, bombs and feeders
FXT American Snap Swivels are ideal for quick changing hooklink, bombs and feeders.
FXT Barrel Swivels are Ideal for all types of fishing situations with smooth rotation to avoid tangles and line twist
FXT Link Swivels are ideal for quick changing hooklink, bombs and feeders with a smooth rotation that avoids tangles and line twist
The FXT Sliding Waggler Adaptor attaches waggler floats to mainline with shot or float stops
The FXT Hooklink Swivel enables the quick change of hooklinks.
Ideal for helicopter rigs and feeder work allowing you to change hooklinks quickly and easily
They allow you to quickly and easily change hooklengths when both feeder and waggler fishing
3 Sizes in the range allowing you to fish helicopter set ups for different species, these work particularly well when roach fishing on the maggot feeder.
Swivel Float Attachments are an excellent quick-change adapter for wagglers and any floats attached bottom-end only.
Quick Snap Swivels are ideal for a variety of uses and allow the angler to change hooklinks quickly and easily.