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Unhooking Tools

Fox Rage Tool Wrap 7 Piece


All the tools you need in one convenient pouch.

Fox Rage Tool Wrap 4 Piece


A handy pouch to store all your tools.

Fox Rage Pistol Pliers


Easy to use pliers that help get the angles you need to make unhooking easier.

Fox Rage Side Cutters 28cm/11"


Sometimes you need to cut hooks or wire; these certainly make life easier.

Fox Rage Split Ring Pliers 13cm/5"


These handy pliers have many uses, but especially designed for being used on those tricky split rings.

Fox Rage Long Nose Pliers 22cm/8.5"


Handy long nose pliers to get at the deepest of hooks.

Fox Rage Forceps 25cm/10"


These extra long forceps help unhooking even the deepest of hook holds.

Fox Rage Crimping Pliers 15cm/6"


Strong crimping pliers that create the perfect crimp every time.

Fox Rage Predator Weigh Sling


A dedicated weigh sling for weighing your Pike while staying small and compact.

Korum Snapper Predator Cot.

£69.99 £34.99

Walled unhooking mat featuring compact fold away design and handy measuring tape graphics on the base.