The Nutcracker Carp Pellets are ideal for all you anglers out there. In fact we think they’re one of the best pellets for carp fishing bar none. They are packed with nutrients and protein that the Carp love.
5kg bag.
A nutty aroma boilie that smells and tastes lovely. Carp love them and they have been a proven flavour for years.
These pellets have so many uses, without just being the Krill flavour they speak for themselves. Based on the same two stage coating process they offer a response as soon as they hit the water and the outer coating containing a high level of pure krill meal falls through the water column before hitting the lake bed. Whilst there these pellets provide the perfect feeding spot - add some chopped Krill boilies for a whole bed of attraction!
Different coloured washed out pop ups to match the boilie of choice.
These will stop the nuance fish. Hard hookbaits that compliment the Nutcracker range.